Source: The Retail Factory 2023
3.87 million passers-by/year
Per monitoring point, an average of
11 million passers-by/year
Busiest monitoring point
Meir Boulevard, the retail chain promenade

black street names = shopping streets
Busiest point

This impressive boulevard is predominantly home to international chains. They display their collections or products like works of art in beautiful 18th and 19th-century rococo buildings. Without a doubt Meir is thé most popular shopping street in Antwerp, which means that virtually every shop is well frequented. This is mainly due to a good connection to the railwaystation and its adjacent student neighbourhood with more than 40,000 full-time students. This explains the wide range of lunch spots.
The Meir borders De Keyserlei, a lively street particularly popular with tourists. You will also find the renovated Antwerp Tower, a landmark offering many possibilities. The Century Center on De Keyserlei is currently under renovation, and once finished it will offer ample opportunity for offices and retail outlets. On the first part of the Meir you will find the exclusive shopping centre Shopping Stadsfeestzaal with room for all kinds of businesses around the beautifully restored entrance hall. Thanks to this building's unique look, your brand immediately bathes in a luxurious atmosphere. A little further away you will find the Wapper, a square in the middle of the Meir Boulevard with a view to the entrance of the historic Rubens House.
The stately Huidevettersstraat is located at the end of the Meir, favourite location of the top brands. Further down in the direction of Groenplaats, shoppers can visit the Grand Bazar Shopping Center. Many projects are still in the pipeline on and around the Meir. Among which the Boerentoren, Meir Corner, and Jezusstraat that will undergo considerable development. The extra influx of students is guaranteed by the project development of campuses, adding an extra dynamic in the neighbourhood.
Source: The Retail Factory 2023
3.87 million passers-by/year
Per monitoring point, an average of
11,21 miljoen passanten/jaar
Busiest monitoring point
Meir Boulevard, the retail chain promenade

black street names = shopping streets
Busiest point

This impressive boulevard is predominantly home to international chains. They display their collections or products like works of art in beautiful 18th and 19th-century rococo buildings. Without a doubt Meir is thé most popular shopping street in Antwerp, which means that virtually every shop is well frequented. This is mainly due to a good connection to the railwaystation and its adjacent student neighbourhood with more than 40,000 full-time students. This explains the wide range of lunch spots.
The Meir borders De Keyserlei, a lively street particularly popular with tourists. You will also find the renovated Antwerp Tower, a landmark offering many possibilities. The Century Center on De Keyserlei is currently under renovation, and once finished it will offer ample opportunity for offices and retail outlets. On the first part of the Meir you will find the exclusive shopping centre Shopping Stadsfeestzaal with room for all kinds of businesses around the beautifully restored entrance hall. Thanks to this building's unique look, your brand immediately bathes in a luxurious atmosphere. A little further away you will find the Wapper, a square in the middle of the Meir Boulevard with a view to the entrance of the historic Rubens House.
The stately Huidevettersstraat is located at the end of the Meir, favourite location of the top brands. Further down in the direction of Groenplaats, shoppers can visit the Grand Bazar Shopping Center. Many projects are still in the pipeline on and around the Meir. Among which the Boerentoren, Meir Corner, and Jezusstraat that will undergo considerable development. The extra influx of students is guaranteed by the project development of campuses, adding an extra dynamic in the neighbourhood.