Ehren Verrelst, Myrthe Bokelmann, and Rocio Barriga Lopez have spent two years documenting, contextualising, and critically examining their work. The jury is now considering their final presentation, which they will show us both in written text and on stage.
10 June
Free entry
Practical info
Yellow Room, Royal Conservatoire Antwerp Antwerpen, Desguinlei 25, B-2018 Antwerp
10 june, 7pm
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Bachelor's in Dance students will work with four choreographers for their final performance: Chen-Wei Lee (Ba1), Claire Croizé (Ba2), Moya Michael & Igor Shyshko (Ba3). Each year group will its own piece, one after another, from 8pm at the Theatre Studio in DE SINGEL.
22 June and 23 June
Free entry
Practical info
Theater Studio deSingel,
Desguinlei 25, B-2018 Antwerp
Performances on 22 and 23 June, both at 8pm
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From 6 to 12 June, Master's students in Acting, Cabaret and Verbal Art will play a total of ten final projects. They will be featured in three venues throughout the week: the Red Room at DE SINGEL, c o r s o and Monty. The full programme can be found here.
6 June to 12 June
Free entry, free contribution after the performance
Practical info
Royal Conservatoire Antwerp,
Desguinlei 25, B-2018 Antwerp
Performances from 6 through 12 June
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Do you want to be in the front row to see tomorrow's professional musicians at work today? Then be sure to come and see one or more of the public examinations in Jazz and Classical Music.
Some of concerts can also be watched over live stream. The full programme and links to the live stream can be found here.
2 May to 25 June
Free entry
Practical info
Royal Conservatoire Antwerp,
Desguinlei 25, B-2018 Antwerp
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
The Royal Conservatoire Antwerp, as the only Flemish 'School of Arts', offers higher education courses in Dance, Drama and Music, coupled with the corresponding Educational Master's courses and an umbrella research operation. Until 25 June, you can admire the inspiring work of our undergraduate and graduate students in Music, Drama and Dance during the final performances and concerts.

Ehren Verrelst, Myrthe Bokelmann, and Rocio Barriga Lopez have spent two years documenting, contextualising, and critically examining their work. The jury is now considering their final presentation, which they will show us both in written text and on stage.
10 June
Free entry
Practical info
Yellow Room, Royal Conservatoire Antwerp Antwerpen, Desguinlei 25, B-2018 Antwerp
10 june, 7pm
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
From 6 to 12 June, Master's students in Acting, Cabaret and Verbal Art will play a total of ten final projects. They will be featured in three venues throughout the week: the Red Room at DE SINGEL, c o r s o and Monty. The full programme can be found here.
6 June to 12 June
Free entry, free contribution after the performance
Practical info
Dagelijks geopend:
Royal Conservatoire Antwerp,
Desguinlei 25, B-2018 Antwerp
Performances from 6 through 12 June
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Bachelor's in Dance students will work with four choreographers for their final performance: Chen-Wei Lee (Ba1), Claire Croizé (Ba2), Moya Michael & Igor Shyshko (Ba3). Each year group will its own piece, one after another, from 8pm at the Theatre Studio in DE SINGEL.
22 June and 23 June
Free entry
Practical info
Dagelijks geopend:
Theater Studio deSingel,
Desguinlei 25, B-2018 Antwerp
Performances on 22 and 23 June, both at 8pm
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Do you want to be in the front row to see tomorrow's professional musicians at work today? Then be sure to come and see one or more of the public examinations in Jazz and Classical Music.
Some of concerts can also be watched over live stream. The full programme and links to the live stream can be found here.
2 May to 25 June
Free entry
Practical info
Dagelijks geopend:
Royal Conservatoire Antwerp,
Desguinlei 25, B-2018 Antwerp
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

The Royal Conservatoire Antwerp, as the only Flemish 'School of Arts', offers higher education courses in Dance, Drama and Music, coupled with the corresponding Educational Master's courses and an umbrella research operation. Until 25 June, you can admire the inspiring work of our undergraduate and graduate students in Music, Drama and Dance during the final performances and concerts.